2023 Diabetic full form database, 500,000 unique files available. Best contact and conversion.
Diabetes 2 is taking our nation by storm as the national obesity rate is at extremely high levels.
Currently about 35 million US citizens have diabetes. 33 million have diabetes 2, and almost 2 million have diabetes 1.
This demographic is growing and is making this vertical one of the most profitable in the healthcare industry.
Do not miss the opportunity to acquire our tier 1 diabetic long forms and profit handsomely while helping people at the same time. This is a win/win vertical if ever there was one.
Our diabetic database undergoes stringent hygiene updating every 2 weeks, and is quite frankly the best web generated database available in the market.
500k= $960
250k= $675
125k= $505
63k= $355
Let us know if you would like to place an order, thanks.
Tom Tryon Director of Database Management Safe Haven Data and Leads www.safehavenleads.com Business email: tom@safehavenleads.com Office phone: (651)-261-5179 Skype: thomas.tryon4