Opt-in & Verified US, Canada & UK Payday, MCA, Mass-Tort, Student-Debt, Health-Insurance, and Solar long forms available. Best contact and conversion.

Opt-in & Verified US, Canada & UK Payday, MCA, Mass-Tort, Student-Debt, Health-Insurance, and Solar long forms available.

Best contact and conversion.
Bulk volume and very competitive rates.

Perfect for centers running campaigns. Real time and fresh delivery available.

Prepay Offer- 25,000 “12 hour fresh" Long Forms, delivered over 5 days. Available verticals listed below!

Prepay Offer- 25,000 “12 hour fresh" Long Forms, delivered over 5 days. Available verticals listed below:

Auto Insurance & Auto Warranty long forms
US, Canada & UK Payday long forms
Medicare long forms
PGx, CGx & Medicare B long forms
Mass Tort long forms
MCA Merchant Cash Advance
Health-Insurance long forms
Student Debt Consolidation long forms
Grants full forms
Credit Repair
DIRECTV & Comcast Xfinity long forms
Gambling & Sweepstakes long forms
Stock Market & Forex investor long forms
Debt Settlement full forms
Auto Finance long forms
Pharma RX full forms
Home Warranty, Home Insurance & Home Security long forms
Mortgage, Mortgage Refi, & Reverse Mortgage long forms
Education long forms
Tech Support full forms
Tax Debt Collections long forms
Tax Debt Settlement long forms
Credit Card Debt Collection long forms

*Delivered over 5 days (5,000 fresh per day) for $779.

** Our available volume is limited and we will fill orders on a first come first serve basis.

Average contact rate is north of 90% for our fresh long forms.

Let us know if you would like to place an order.

#prepay #optin #leads #b2c #b2b #tcpacompliant

Opt-In US Student Debt Settlement full form Database, Up to 250k unique files available.

Opt-In US Student Debt Settlement full form Database, Up to 250k unique files available.

Student Debt in the US is at unsustainable levels. People with large levels of student debt are looking for solutions.

The student debt settlement vertical is quickly becoming the most popular in the industry.

We are offering “0 to 10 day” US Tax Debt Settlement full form Databases, up to 250k unique files available.

250k= $1498

125k= $979

65k= $785



We can filter for most selects, and we are willing to scrub against any suppression files at no additional cost.

Let us know if you would like to place an order, thanks.